37 research outputs found

    Quality life cycle of object oriented software development in extreme programming

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 53)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishviii, 53 leavesAlthough there are many teams using Extreme Programming, many people still think that applying its values, principles and practices will cause catastrophic results.However extreme programming is not only compatible with today.s software standards, technologies and most importantly with the changes at every phase of software development but also improves the quality of software. In my thesis I analyze its values, principles, and practices and how they increase the quality comparing to old software development methodologies

    Gastronomi araştırmaları bibliyografyası bildiri, makale, tez 2013-2017

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    Sağlıkla, kültürle, ahlakla ve günlük hayatın her saniyesi ile ilişkili olan yeme içme faaliyetlerinin "profesyonelce ve bilimsel bir disiplinle incelenmesi”, yapılan işin niteliğini artırabilecektir. Hemen her alanda olduğu gibi gastronomi alanında da yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar zamanla bir birikim oluşturmakta ve literatür haline gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada, ele alınan kısa zaman dilimi içinde gastronomi ile ilgili çok sayıda akademik çalışmanın varlığı, bu alanın büyük bir hızla geliştiğini göstermektedir. Gastronomi alanındaki bu kadar çalışmanın, alandaki faaliyetlerin "bilimsel ve sağlıklı” işlemesine vesile olacağı ümidini taşıyorum. Yapılan çok sayıda çalışma faaliyetlerin bilimsel ve sağlıklı olmasına katkı sağlıyorsa buna devam etmek gerekir. Ancak gastronomi "zevk ve haz almayı” merkeze alan bir düşüncenin sonucu olarak bu kadar çalışılan bir konu olmuşsa insanlık için olumsuz sonuçlar doğurabilecektir

    Wound physiology and experimental wound models: Traditional review

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    Yara, vücuda gelebilecek bir yaralanma sonucu cildin epidermisinde hasar oluşması ve derinin normal anatomisinin ve fonksiyonlarının bozulması olarak tanımlanır. Yara iyileşmesi, kazayla veya kasıtlı olarak meydana gelen travma sonrası derinin bütünlüğünü korumak için önemli bir fizyolojik süreçtir. Normal yara iyileşmesi, hemostaz/inflamatuar faz, inflamasyon, proliferatif faz ve yeniden şekillenme fazı dâhil olmak üzere birbirini takip eden ve üst üste binen 4 fazı içerir. Yara iyileşmesi; yaş, eşlik eden hastalık, beslenme ve hijyen gibi birçok faktör tarafından etkilenmektedir. Aşırı yara iyileşmesi (hipertrofik skar ve keloid) veya kronik yara (ülser), bozulmuş fizyolojik yara iyileşme süreçlerinin göstergesidir. Yaraların temelde akut/kronik olarak ayrılmasının yanında, oluştuğu bölge (ağız, göz, deri vb.) ve oluşumuna göre (travmaya bağlı yara, diyabetik yara ve yanık yaraları) sınıflandırılması, bakımı ve tedavisi açısından farklılıklar oluşturmaktadır. Genel olarak topikal antiseptikler ile yapılan geleneksel yara bakımının yanında günümüzde otogreftler, allogreftler, kültürlü epitelyal otogreftler ve biyouyumlu ve biyobozunur polimerlere dayalı yara pansumanları gibi tedavi seçenekleri de bulunmaktadır. Deneysel yara modelleri, terapötik potansiyele sahip yeni ajanları test etmek, doku onarım mekanizmasının patogenezini incelemek ve yeni biyobelirteçleri saptamak için gereklidir. İn silico, in vitro ve in vivo dâhil olmak üzere yara iyileşme sürecini incelemek için çeşitli modeller kullanılmıştır. Bunun yanında, hiçbir deneysel yara modeli fizyolojik yara iyileşmesini tam olarak temsil etmediği için farklı modelleri içeren uygun bir kombinasyon kullanılmalıdır. Bu derlemede; yara tipleri, yara iyileşmesi, in vitro ve in vivo deneysel yara modelleri tartışılmaktadır.Wound is defined as damage to the epidermis of the skin and disruption of the normal anatomy and functions of the skin as a result of an injury to the body. Wound healing is an important physiological process to preserve the integrity of the skin after accidental or intentional trauma. Normal wound healing includes four consecutive and overlapping phases, including the hemostasis/inflammatory phase, the inflammation, the proliferative phase, and the remodeling phase. Wound healing; it is affected by many factors such as age, concomitant disease, nutrition and hygiene. Excessive wound healing (hypertrophic scar and keloid) or chronic wound (ulcer) is indicative of impaired physiological wound healing processes. In addition to the acute/chronic division of wounds, the classification according to the region (mouth, eye, skin etc.) and formation (traumatic wound, diabetic wound and burn wounds) creates differences in terms of care and treatment. In addition to traditional wound care with topical antiseptics in general, treatment options such as autografts, allografts, cultured epithelial autografts and wound dressings based on biocompatible and biodegradable polymers are now available. Experimental wound models are required to test new agents with therapeutic potential, to study the pathogenesis of tissue repair mechanism, and to detect new biomarkers. Various models have been used to study the wound healing process, including in silico, in vitro, and in vivo. In addition, an appropriate combination of different models should be used, as no experimental wound model is fully representative of physiological wound healing. In this review, wound types, wound healing, in vitro and in vivo experimental wound models are discussed

    Clinical Features and Surgical Results in Harada-Ito Surgery Patients

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    Symptomatic excyclotorsion is an important clinical problem, especially in acquired superior oblique muscle palsy. Excyclotorsion can disrupt the fusion and cause torsional diplopia. Harada-Ito surgery (HI) is a widely used method for treating excyclotorsions. This method relieves the torsional diplopia by increasing the effect of the incyclotorsion. In this study, we aimed to report the clinical features of patients with torsional diplopia due to acquired trochlear nerve palsy and the results of HI surgery in these patients

    A newborn with moderate hemophilia A with severe intracranial and extracranial hemorrhage: A case report

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    Intracranial hemorrhage among term newborns is a rare clinical condition with high morbidity and mortality. Although major bleeding is relatively uncommon, the incidence of intracranial hemorrhage in hemophilic children is higher during the first few days of life than at any other stage in childhood, which relates to the trauma of delive ry. Here, we reported a newborn case diagnosed with moderate hemophilia A, without the presence of a positive family history of hemophilia and presenting with intracranial and extracranial hemorrhage and we aimed to emphasize that the early diagnosis and replacement therapy carries an essential importance

    The impact of hybrid capture-based comprehensive genomic profiling on treatment strategies in patients with solid tumors

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    Objective: The development of bioinformatics and comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) has provided insights into the ap-plicability and functionality of the genomic alterations (GA). In this study, we evaluated the impact of CGP on the treatment plan and outcomes in a significant number of patients. Material and Methods: We carried out a retrospective case-control study on 164 adult patients with advanced solid tumors from 15 oncology centers in Türkiye. Results: In all cases, CGP was performed within 23.8 [standard deviation (SD)±32.1] months of initial diagnosis. Non-small cell lung carcinoma, breast cancer, unknown primary carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, and sarcoma were among the most common tumor types, accounting for 61.5% of all cases. CGP was performed immediately after the diagnosis of advanced cancer in 13 patients (7.9%). In 158 patients (96.4%), at least one GA was found as per the CGP report. Also, in the reports, the average tumor mutational burden (TMB) and GAs were 7.3 (SD±8.7) mut/Mb and 3.5 (SD±2.0), respectively. According to CGP reports, 58 patients had 79 evidence-based drug suggestions for their particular tumor type, whereas 97 patients had 153 evidence-based drug suggestions for another tumor type. After the primary oncologist interpreted the CGP reports, significant changes were made to the treatment of 35 (21.3%) patients. Conclusion: We strongly believe that in the future, high-TMB or other tumor-agnostic biomarkers will become much more afford-able, and CGP will serve as one of the major decision-making tools for the treatment of patients along with pathological, radiological or lab-oratory tests

    Skin manifestations following anti-COVID-19 vaccination: A multicentricstudy from Turkey

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    Purpose: After the emergence of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus, vaccination with various vaccines has started to be implemented across the world. To identify dermatological reactions developing after the COVID-19 vaccines administered in Turkey and determine their clinical features and risk factors that may play a role in their development. Materials and Methods: The study included patients aged ≥18 years, who presented to 13 different dermatology clinics in Turkey between July 2021 and September 2021 after developing dermatological reactions following the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. After providing written consent, the patients were asked to complete a standard survey including questions related to age, gender, occupation, comorbidities, the regular medication used, the onset of cutaneous reactions after vaccination, and localization of reactions. Dermatological reactions were categorized according to whether they developed after the first or second dose of the vaccine or whether they occurred after the inactivated or messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine. The relationship between dermatological reactions and some variables such as gender and comorbidities was also evaluated. Results: A total of 269 patients [116 women (43.1%), 153 men (56.9%)] were included in the study. It was observed that the dermatological diseases and reactions that most frequently developed after vaccination were urticaria (25.7%), herpes zoster (24.9%), maculopapular eruption (12.3%), and pityriasis rosea (4.5%). The rate of dermatological reactions was 60.6% after the administration of the mRNA vaccine and 39.4% after that of the inactivated vaccine. There was a statistically significantly higher number of reactions among the patients that received the mRNA vaccine (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The most common reactions in our sample were urticaria, herpes zoster, and maculopapular eruption. Physicians should know the dermatological side effects of COVID-19 vaccines and their clinical features

    Quality life cycle of object oriented software development in extreme programming

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 53)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishviii, 53 leavesAlthough there are many teams using Extreme Programming, many people still think that applying its values, principles and practices will cause catastrophic results.However extreme programming is not only compatible with today.s software standards, technologies and most importantly with the changes at every phase of software development but also improves the quality of software. In my thesis I analyze its values, principles, and practices and how they increase the quality comparing to old software development methodologies

    The possibility of an ethical life in the global world from Peter Singer's perspective

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    Bugün küresel bir dünya içerisinde bulunuyoruz. Modern dünyanın bu düzeye geleceğini belki bir çoğumuz hayal edemiyorduk. İnternetin ve teknolojinin gelişimi her alanda dünyadaki insanları, yaşadıkları ülkeleri birbirlerine giderek daha fazla yaklaştırıyor. Kimilerimiz bu gelişmelerin birçok iyi yönünün olduğunu söyleyebilir. Ancak daha önce deneyimlemediğimiz kadar büyük sorunlarla karşı karşıya olduğumuzu kabul etmek durumundayız. Özellikle tüketim düzeyindeki artışı düşündüğümüzde, doğaya ve diğer canlı türlerine yönelik yıkımlarımız, dünyanın yoksul ve aç insan sayısının giderek artması daha da görünür bir hal aldı. İklim değişikliğiyle birlikte temiz su kaynaklarının giderek yok olması, kuraklığın artması, ürün miktarının azalması gibi nedenlerle açlık-yoksulluk gün geçtikte artmaya devam ediyor. Bu sorunlar karşısında ne yapabiliriz? İnsanlık kısa zamanda büyük sonuçları olacak bu sorunlara bir çıkış bulabilecek mi? Peter Singer gibi filozoflar bu konuda, pasif, umutsuz olmamış aksine, küresel sorunlarımız karşısında, dünyayı daha yaşanılabilir kılabileceğimiz bir etik yaşam geliştirmeye çalışmışlardır. Bu çalışmamızda Singer’ın küresel etik yaşam önerisi ele alınmaktadır.Today we live in a global world. Perhaps most of us could not have imagined that the modern world would reach this level. The development of the internet and technology is bringing the people in the world and the countries they live closer to each other in every field. Some of us can say that these developments have many good aspects. But we must admit that there are bigger problems than we’ve never experienced before. Especially when we consider the increase in consumption, our destruction of nature and other living species, and the increasing number of poor and hungry people in the world became more visible. With climate change, the gradual decrease in clean water resources, increase in drought, decrease in the amount of harvest, etc., hunger-poverty continues to increase day by day. What can we do in the face of these problems? Will humanity be able to find a way out to these problems, which will have great consequences in a short time? Philosophers like Peter Singer have tried to develop an ethical life in which we can make the world more livable in the face of our global problems, rather than being passive and hopeless. In this paper, we will discuss Singer’s proposal for global ethical life

    A study of compressive strength between zirconia framework and veneering ceramic as a function of thermal expansion coefficient using Shell–Nielsen test method

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    This study investigated the adhesion between zirconia framework and four veneering ceramic (VC) materials with varying coefficients of thermal expansions (CTE). Zirconia rods (N = 40) (ICE Zirkon) (diameter: 4 mm, height: 20 mm) were milled and sintered. After firing, the zirconia rods were air-abraded and cleaned. They were randomly assigned to receive four VCs (n = 10/group), namely (a) Vita VM9 (VZ; 9-9.2 × 10-6 K-1), (b) Cerabien ZR (CZ; 9.1 × 10-6 K-1), (c) Matchmaker ZR (MM; 9.4 × 10-6K-1), and (d) Ice Zirconia Ceramic (IZ; 9.6 × 10-6K-1). The VCs were then fired onto zirconia rods (height: 2 mm, thickness: 2 mm) circumferentially and were thermocycled for 6000 times (5/55 °C, dwell time: 30 s). Specimens were loaded from the top of the zirconia rods (0.5 mm/min) in a universal testing machine until debonding. Shell-Nielsen bond strength values were calculated (MPa). Failure types were evaluated under SEM. The data were statistically analyzed (one-way ANOVA, Tukeys; = 0.05). Weibull distribution values including the Weibull modulus (m) (0.05) was calculated. The highest mean bond strength (MPa) was obtained for CZ (42.08 ± 4.08), followed by VZ (41.77 ± 4.92), MM (40.7 ± 3.64), and IZ (40.05 ± 5.78). While mean bond strength for VZ, MM, and IZ were not significantly different (p > 0.05), CZ was significantly higher than that of IZ (p < 0.05). The lowest shape value was for VZ (m = 16.94) and the highest for MM (m = 20.16). Mainly, adhesive failures followed by mixed failures were observed. VCs with a greater mismatch of CTE with the zirconia framework exhibited similar Shell-Nielsen bond strength to those with fewer mismatches. CTE mismatch did not affect the results of CZ (9.1 × 10-6 K-1) and IZ (9.6 × 10-6 K-1). © 2015 Taylor & Francis